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Plant Spirit Medicine helps us heal
remembering eliot cowan
Portrait of Plant Spirit Medicine founder, Eliot Cowan.

He reminded me of my birthright

At a certain point in my Plant Spirit Medicine training, I realized that the experience of studying Plant Spirit Medicine with Eliot was no different than sitting in a field with a plant spirit. Eliot wasn’t just a teacher showing us how to connect with plant spirits, he was one of them. And just like the plant spirits he was a healer. He was whimsical, uncannily aware and empathetic to the point of cracking open steel walls with the softest touch when that was what was needed. And just like plant spirits, he was a magnificent teacher. The wisdom flowed through him, as did the medicine.

The most valuable thing Eliot gave me was to remind me of my innate ability to be connected to the natural world and the importance of listening. He reminded me that to perceive with all of my senses and to be in communication with the other than humans is my birthright. He planted seeds I water every day that are growing into my own garden. For me he lives in every flower and in every deer, in the fire and in the rain, in every moment Spirit shows me I am not alone.

May the wisdom that came through Eliot continue to sprout new gardens across this blessed earth for many, many, many generations to come. I feel that garden in my heart and will forever be grateful to have spent time with such a spirit as he.